
In this second part of the “journey through tyecon” series, I want to showcase the package’s facilities in simplifying tasks common to the predictive modelling part of data analysis. I will be using the dataset as before.

Setup and Data Import


knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.path = "")
knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = 'svg')
recipes <- vroom("~/Workspace/foodrecipes/RAW_recipes.csv")
interacts <- vroom("~/Workspace/foodrecipes/RAW_interactions.csv")

Nutrition values, except for calories, are all percent of daily value, a daily quota filled by the amount of the percentage by the consumption of the specific food.

nutrs <- recipes %->% {
  ids <- id
  mutate(nutrition = str_replace_all(nutrition, "[\\[\\]\\']", ""))
    into = c(
      "calories", "sat_fat", "sugar", "sodium", "protein", "tot_fat", "carbs"
    sep = ", ", convert = TRUE
  # Center and scale too
  mutate(across(everything(), \(col) scale(col)[, 1]))
  set_attr("ids", ids)
## # A tibble: 231,637 × 7
##    calories sat_fat   sugar  sodium protein tot_fat   carbs
##       <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1  -0.355   -0.464 -0.0891 -0.228  -0.559   -0.464 -0.141 
##  2  -0.253   -0.232 -0.105  -0.0996 -0.217   -0.108 -0.178 
##  3  -0.172   -0.181 -0.0654  0.135   0.0738  -0.189 -0.129 
##  4  -0.0890  -0.245 -0.0929 -0.213  -0.354   -0.383  0.0543
##  5  -0.102   -0.451  0.316  -0.0542 -0.542   -0.464  0.152 
##  6  -0.264   -0.335 -0.0366 -0.206  -0.439   -0.260 -0.105 
##  7  -0.0784   0.217 -0.0966 -0.0466 -0.491   -0.220 -0.117 
##  8   0.534    0.603  0.367   1.86    1.05     0.411  0.250 
##  9   3.19     2.80   1.53    0.613   1.58     3.92   2.50  
## 10   1.85     1.59   1.11    0.582   0.467    2.69   1.50  
## # … with 231,627 more rows

And splitting into training and validation:

nutrs_train:nutrs_test %<-%
  (initial_split(nutrs) %>% {
    list(training(.), testing(.))

Predicting Protein from PDV

Of course, since this is an index, it should just work well.

Linear model

lm_model <- lm(protein ~ .,
  data = nutrs_train) %$>% {
  model <- .
  summary(.) %$>% {
    coefs <- as_tibble(coefficients, rownames = "term")
    stats <-
      tibble(r.squared, sigma, df = fstatistic[2], fstat = fstatistic[1])
  pred_metrics <- {
    pred_tibble <- tibble(
      truth = fitted.values(.) + residuals(.), estimate = fitted.values(.)
    map_dfr(c(rmse, rsq, rsq_trad, msd, mae), ~ .(pred_tibble, truth, estimate))
## $model
## Call:
## lm(formula = protein ~ ., data = nutrs_train)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)     calories      sat_fat        sugar       sodium      tot_fat        carbs  
##  -0.0002895    7.3769225   -2.7190916   -0.1166868    0.0264789    0.0542644   -5.7393293  
## $coefs
## # A tibble: 7 × 5
##   term         Estimate `Std. Error` `t value` `Pr(>|t|)`
##   <chr>           <dbl>        <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) -0.000290     0.000907    -0.319  7.50e-  1
## 2 calories     7.38         0.00933    791.     0        
## 3 sat_fat     -2.72         0.00412   -660.     0        
## 4 sugar       -0.117        0.00520    -22.5    1.62e-111
## 5 sodium       0.0265       0.000861    30.8    2.90e-207
## 6 tot_fat      0.0543       0.00181     30.0    2.59e-197
## 7 carbs       -5.74         0.00987   -582.     0        
## $stats
## # A tibble: 1 × 4
##   r.squared sigma    df   fstat
##       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1     0.849 0.378     6 163409.
## $pred_metrics
## # A tibble: 5 × 3
##   .metric  .estimator .estimate
##   <chr>    <chr>          <dbl>
## 1 rmse     standard    3.78e- 1
## 2 rsq      standard    8.49e- 1
## 3 rsq_trad standard    8.49e- 1
## 4 msd      standard    1.62e-18
## 5 mae      standard    1.24e- 1

Predictions on the test data:

map_dfr(c(rmse, rsq, rsq_trad, msd, mae), ~ .(
    truth = nutrs_test$calories, estimate = predict(lm_model$model, nutrs_test)
  truth, estimate
## # A tibble: 5 × 3
##   .metric  .estimator .estimate
##   <chr>    <chr>          <dbl>
## 1 rmse     standard     0.717  
## 2 rsq      standard     0.467  
## 3 rsq_trad standard    -0.142  
## 4 msd      standard    -0.00258
## 5 mae      standard     0.338

Multiple models together

We first build the general interface function for our loop over models:

lasso <- partial(glmnet, alpha = 1)
ridge <- partial(glmnet, alpha = 0)

# prefix with dot dot to avoid name collision
regression <- convoke(
  list(formula, data),
    x = model.matrix(formula, data)[, -1],
    y = data[[all.vars(formula)[1]]]
    x = model.matrix(formula, data)[, -1],
    y = data[[all.vars(formula)[1]]]
  earth(formula, data),
  plsr(formula, data = data)
## convoke function
##   interfaces: lasso(), ridge(), earth(), plsr()
##   args: formula, data, interface = lasso, interface.args

And also the predict function:

pred_vec <- function(x, newdata, formula, ...) UseMethod("pred_vec")
pred_vec.elnet <- function(x, newdata, formula, ...) {
  predict(x, newx = model.matrix(formula, newdata)[, -1], ...)[, 1]
} <- function(x, newdata, formula, ...) {
  predict(x, newdata = newdata, ...)[, 1]
pred_vec.mvr <- function(x, newdata, formula, ...) {
  retval <- predict(x, newdata = newdata, ...)
  retval[, , dim(retval)[[3]]]

pred_vec_regs <- conflate(pred_vec(x, newdata, formula))
## conflate function for pred_vec
##  args: x, newdata, formula, object.args

And the main loop:

models_preds <- control(
    holdout <- assessment(fold$splits)

    model <- regression(protein ~ .,
      interface = interface, lasso.lambda = lambda, = degree, plsr.ncomp = 6

    holdout$.fit <- pred_vec_regs(model, holdout, protein ~ .)

    list(model = model, rmse = rmse(holdout, protein, .fit)[[".estimate"]])
  fold = transpose(vfold_cv(nutrs_train, 5)) ~ 1,
  interface = c("lasso", "earth", "plsr") ~ 2,
  lambda = c(0.1, 0.2) ~ 3,
  degree = c(1, 2) ~ 4,
  ncomp = c(5, 6) ~ 5,
  .refiner = ~ confine(.,
    lambda = interface %in% c("lasso", "ridge"), degree = interface == "earth",
    ncomp = interface == "plsr"
  .unnest_value = TRUE
## # A tibble: 30 × 7
##    fold             interface lambda degree ncomp model    rmse
##    <list>           <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <list>  <dbl>
##  1 <named list [2]> lasso        0.1     NA    NA <elnet> 0.870
##  2 <named list [2]> lasso        0.2     NA    NA <elnet> 0.911
##  3 <named list [2]> earth       NA        1    NA <earth> 0.351
##  4 <named list [2]> earth       NA        2    NA <earth> 0.341
##  5 <named list [2]> plsr        NA       NA     5 <mvr>   0.330
##  6 <named list [2]> plsr        NA       NA     6 <mvr>   0.330
##  7 <named list [2]> lasso        0.1     NA    NA <elnet> 1.02 
##  8 <named list [2]> lasso        0.2     NA    NA <elnet> 1.09 
##  9 <named list [2]> earth       NA        1    NA <earth> 2.50 
## 10 <named list [2]> earth       NA        2    NA <earth> 4.84 
## # … with 20 more rows

Now we can choose the appropriate model by testing the data on the validation set:

models_chosen <- group_by(models_preds, across(-c(fold, model, rmse))) %>%
  summarise(model = list(first(model)), rmse = mean(rmse), .groups = "drop")
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
##   interface lambda degree ncomp model    rmse
##   <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <list>  <dbl>
## 1 earth       NA        1    NA <earth> 0.827
## 2 earth       NA        2    NA <earth> 1.60 
## 3 lasso        0.1     NA    NA <elnet> 0.868
## 4 lasso        0.2     NA    NA <elnet> 0.895
## 5 plsr        NA       NA     5 <mvr>   0.394
## 6 plsr        NA       NA     6 <mvr>   0.394

And the validation set:

mutate(rowwise(models_chosen), valid_rmse =
    valid_set <- nutrs_test
    valid_set$.fit <- pred_vec_regs(model, valid_set, protein ~ .)
    rmse(valid_set, protein, .fit)[[".estimate"]]
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
## # Rowwise: 
##   interface lambda degree ncomp model    rmse valid_rmse
##   <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <list>  <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 earth       NA        1    NA <earth> 0.827      0.397
## 2 earth       NA        2    NA <earth> 1.60       0.335
## 3 lasso        0.1     NA    NA <elnet> 0.868      0.903
## 4 lasso        0.2     NA    NA <elnet> 0.895      0.944
## 5 plsr        NA       NA     5 <mvr>   0.394      0.403
## 6 plsr        NA       NA     6 <mvr>   0.394      0.403