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The convoke Function

Here is one example of different function interfaces doing the same thing and how the provided DSL would simplify this issue.

The two functions each take a different data type in, produce a different out data, use different name for trim argument, and one does not have a default value for column (works only on vectors).

basemeancalc <- function(listdata, trimmed = 0.0, na.rm = T) {
  mean(listdata, trim = trimmed, na.rm = na.rm)

tidymeancalc <- function(tibbledata, column, trimend = 0.0, trimstart = 0.0) {
  column <- as_string(ensym(column))
  colvector <- tibbledata[[column]] %>%
    sort() %>%
  nelem <- length(colvector)
  colvector <-
    colvector[floor(nelem * trimstart) + 1:nelem - floor(nelem * trimend)]

mydf <- tribble(
  ~x, ~y,
  1, 5,
  4, 3,
  6, 2,
  17, 4,
  8, 12,
  14, 16,
  21, 72,
  19, 32,
  10, 15,
  NA, NA

tidymeancalc(mydf, x, trimend = 0.1, trimstart = 0.1)
#> [1] 11.11111
basemeancalc(mydf$x, trimmed = 0.1)
#> [1] 11.11111
mean(mydf$x, trim = 0.1, na.rm = T)
#> [1] 11.11111

Three vastly different APIs. Now, for unification:

(mymean <- convoke(
  list(tibble, column, trim),
  basemeancalc(listdata = tibble[[column]], trimmed = trim),
    tibbledata = tibble, column = !!column, trimend = trim, trimstart = trim
#> convoke function
#>   interfaces: basemeancalc(), tidymeancalc()
#>   args: tibble, column, trim, interface = basemeancalc, interface.args
  set_names(c("basemeancalc", "tidymeancalc")),
  ~ mymean(mydf, "x", 0.1, interface = ., = T)
#> $basemeancalc
#> [1] 11.11111
#> $tidymeancalc
#> [1] 11.11111

One can also add additional specifications later:

mymean <- mymean + ~ mean(x = tibble[[column]], trimmed = trim)
mymean(mydf, "x", 0.1, interface = "mean", = T)
#> [1] 11.11111

Nevertheless, the ultimate goal is to specify a DSL by which the package author can convert its functions to a unified interface by only specifying some general rules (in a text file bundled with the package for instance). This would allow the package author to separate the need to conform with a unified interface from writing the packages however is seen best. Nevertheless, hard-codded values can’t be changed or passed down obviously, and would still require upstream fixes.

The %->% pipem Operator

This operator facilitates chaining instructions without explicitly writing the magrittr pipe. Additionally, it allows for intermediate values to be kept and used later down the chain of instructions. For instance, consider the case where we want to compute abs(vec^3) * (sum(vec^2) + 1) sequentially, instead of using a single function:

c(-4, 9, -3, 12) %->% {
  (function(x) {
  vec2 <- .
  (function(x) {
    abs(x^3) + sum(vec2) + 1
#> [1]    4347  531692     980 2986235

Another convenience of this operator is that one can simply comment out the remaining lines for debugging purposes, without having to write an extra identity() for instance.

Note that since the operator treats symbols specially, functions with single arguments should be in the form func() and not just func. This is a best practice in the original magrittr pipe as well in any case.

The %to% Operator

This operator facilitates a different issue that arises quite often in model building. And that is requiring multiple results from the same object. Example:

modelfit <- lm(y ~ x, data = mydf)
(res <- summary(modelfit) %to% {
  rsquared ~ .$r.squared
  adjrsquared ~ .$adj.r.squared
  residuals ~ .$residuals
  pval ~ coef(.)[, "Pr(>|t|)"]
  termsof ~ .$terms
  callof ~ .$call
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   rsquared adjrsquared residuals pval      termsof   callof    
#>      <dbl>       <dbl> <I<list>> <I<list>> <I<list>> <I<list>> 
#> 1    0.512       0.443 <dbl [9]> <dbl [2]> <terms>   <language>

For instance, we can know the p-values now:

#> [[1]]
#> (Intercept)           x 
#>  0.51285227  0.03011035

Comparing this with the result from broom::glance, one can see that the above approach is much more flexible.